End of Term Arrangements
December 7, 2023
Dear All
As usual, there are many events coming up in the next two weeks that are already on the school calendar but may need to be reminded to you. The St Vincent de Paul collection is ongoing with the deadline for your 10 non-perishable items being Friday 15 December. We would like to thank those who have already contributed to this worthy cause.
The Carol Concert takes place on Thursday 14 December in Howth Church. It commences at 6.30 p.m. and we look forward to seeing you all there.
On 17 December, the Senior School trip to Iceland departs. We wish them all the best.
The 20 December are the Junior & Intermediate School plays. We are also informed by our builders that the driveway will be closed. Please use the walkway as directed. We are expecting difficulties with parking outside the school and once again, I would plead with you to be mindful of our neighbours who have the right for their driveways to be kept free at any time, even if you are sitting in the car.
There will be some changes to school closure times in the final week as always.
Monday 18 December and Tuesday 19 December – no change to normal finishing times in the whole school.
Wednesday 20 December. Due to building works, the school will close at 1.05 and buses will depart at this time. We are aware that many Junior & Intermediate School students will be departing with their parents after the plays, so this should have a low impact.
Thursday 21 December. School will close at 3.30 p.m. and buses will depart at this time.
On Friday 22 December, school will close at 10.45 for the Senior School and 11.00 a.m. for the Junior/Intermediate School, with buses departing shortly after 11.00 a.m. We would ask all students to take their belongings with them as the school will not be accessible over the Christmas break. School will reopen as normal on 8 January.
Wishing you all a very happy and safe Christmas.
Ronan Walsh, Head of School