
Please read the following information carefully before completing an application form. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the School office either by phone (+353 1 832 2940) or by email.

Entry for 1st Year 2025

Admissions Applications open on 1st October 2024 and close by end of business 22nd October 2024.


The application form under point 3 below should only be used for entry in Junior Infants to Grade 6 in the Junior School and from 2nd Year to 6th Year in the Senior School.

Please read the following information carefully before completing an application form. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the School office either by phone (+353 1 832 2940) or by email to


School Admissions Process

1. Download an application form below and complete in full for each child (with the exception of 1st Year entry – see above for further information).

2. Attach/enclose 2 x Academic Reports from your child’s current school (only required for students over age 7) and 1 x copy of birth cert.

3. Email or post to: or Sutton Park School, St Fintans Road, Sutton, Dublin 13, Republic of Ireland.

N.B – Please note if your child requires Learning Support of any kind, please complete the details on the form at the bottom and submit with a current up-to-date Educational Psychological Assessment arranged by a qualified Psychologist.

If you are offered a place at the school, a non-refundable deposit of EURO 1,000 per student must be paid by the date stated in the offer letter in order to secure your place. Please request our current fee schedule for your information.

Applications for Junior Infants to Grade 6 and for 2nd Year to 6th Year in future years can be submitted to be maintained on record until they are processed for that relevant year.  An acknowledgement letter will be sent upon receipt and you will be contacted nearer the time regarding entry.

All applications for 1st Year are required to be resubmitted on the new on-line application system within the Application Window (see Admission Policy) for the relevant year.

Sutton Park School is committed to building a co-educational and international learning community. Applications are welcomed from all parts of Ireland, UK, mainland Europe and from all other nations. Approximately 30% of our students are from an international background, representing twenty two different nationalities.

The school enjoys a close relationship with a number of International placement agencies and guardians who organise host family accommodation in the locality.

Sutton Park School follows the Irish curriculum in both the junior and secondary divisions. In the senior school we follow the Junior Cycle from Years 1 – 3. All subjects are examined at the end of this cycle. The 4th Year is a Transition Year. The Leaving Certificate takes place in the last two years of the Senior Cycle – Years 5 and 6.

Application Forms can be obtained electronically by clicking here or in hard copy form by contacting the school for one to be posted out to you. All applications will be acknowledged in writing. For all applications, supporting documentation is required in the form of academic reports (if over age 6 years) along with any Educational Psychological Assessment Reports (if learning support is required) The school will notify you if further supporting documentation for your application is required.

Entry Into Junior & Intermediate Schools

Class sizes in the Junior and Intermediate Schools are small and applications are considered for all grades and classes throughout the year. Special consideration is given to siblings and every effort is made to ensure that there is a balance between boys and girls in the classes.

Arrangements can be made for your child to spend a day in the school with his/her class in order to familiarise themselves with the class teacher and their fellow pupils.

Points of Entry Into Senior School

Entry Into First Year – Ages 12-13.

For 1st Year entry in August 2025, an on-line application will be available via a URL link from 27 September to 18 October 2024.  No paper applications will be accepted.  The URL Link will be updated every year for the following academic year and will be posted on the Admissions page during the term of the Admissions Window for the particular academic year.

Scholarships for 1st Year Entry are generally held in early October of the year preceding entry. Scholarships last for the full 6 years of the Secondary division [conditional on obtaining excellent reports and high grades] and are reviewed annually by the Head of School.

Transition Year – Age 15

This is a major point of entry for both International students and Irish students seeking a change of environment or looking to take advantage of our small group sizes and carefully planned TYR programme.

English as a Foreign Language support is available for our international students. We timetable EFL lessons against Irish and English classes giving almost 8 hours of language support at this level. This programme is continued into the 5th Year should students want to stay on to study the Leaving Certificate.

Leaving Certificate Programme – Ages 16-18

  • Spanish, French, German
  • Art, Chemistry, Business, Physics, History, Geography, Economics, Home Economics, DCG, Biology, Applied Maths , Music, Leaving Certificate PE and Computer Science.
  • Mandarin Chinese (for those who have previous knowledge

If places become available entry can be considered for places in the 2nd and 3rd Years.

International Students

Every effort is made to ensure that the transition into the Irish education system is as smooth as possible as well as providing detailed transcripts and references to ensure students can be reintegrated into their home education systems when they leave Ireland.

Our international students have helped us develop a global vision of education and to expand our horizons well beyond the peninsula in recent years.

Host families

Some international students prefer to experience life with a host family.
The school works closely with a number of local agencies using host families in this area.
Students who choose this arrangement are supported by our International Student Coordinator and usually welcome the opportunity to immerse themselves fully in a family environment.


Sutton Park School invites a Scholarship entry annually in early October known as ‘The Lighthouse Scholarship Exam’ for students entering first year and fifth year senior school.

In relation to 1st Year, you must apply for entry to the school within the applications window for 1st Year entry 2025 (27 September to 18 October 2024).  Places in 1st Year are allocated prior to the results of the scholarship exam being made available to the school.  If you do not apply for entry within the application window, you will not be in the allocation process for 1st Year places.  Successful scholarship candidates may be placed on the waiting list.

Candidates sit two papers in Mathematics and English in this competitive examination and the very best students are then considered by the Scholarship Committee.

Awards of a full Scholarship are very prestigious and given to Students who performed exceptionally well in both the English and Maths papers.

Half Scholarships can be awarded for exceptional performance in either English or Maths. All awards are at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee.

Scholarships are available for Senior Cycle students. Once again, candidates are required to sit two papers in Mathematics and English. For further details, please contact the School Office. Examinations for the Senior Cycle Scholarship are arranged in the Autumn Term also.

Other Scholarship schemes are available for Music via the annual Young Musician Competition and for Senior School entry only. This competition runs usually in May every year.